Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the most “frequently asked questions” about Physical Therapy, and our Practice!

If you have already booked an appointment, and forgot to ask a few questions, or just “unsure” of what to expect, then read on!

Many of our clients have had similar questions, so I have compiled a list of the most “commonly asked questions” about PT right here!

If you have a more specific question about your condition, or if you are unsure if “PT is right for you” then I highly recommend downloading our free e-book: 29 Most Common Questions About Physical Therapy - Answered.

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What is Physical Therapy?

Physical Therapy is designed for people that are suffering from pain, injury, or are unable to enjoy life because of nagging stiffness or aches. We bring a high level, expert blend of hands-on “manual therapy” and “exercise programming” on top of a full, head-to-toe, thorough, biomechanical and physiological evaluation to help you recover safely and naturally without using medications or needing surgery.

What can I expect from Physical Therapy?

You will receive one-on-one, individualized care that is focused on helping you restore mobility, regain control of your body, and most importantly, help you achieve your goals and help you return to activities you love to do!

What types of people do you help?

We have experience in working with people of all ages, but we are specialized in working with people aged 45+, looking to live active and healthy lifestyles free of painkillers and avoiding unnecessary surgeries! Head over to our “About us” page to learn more.

When should I expect to see results?

It really “depends” on the severity of your injury, how long you’ve been suffering, and also your own personal history, lifestyle, demands, and goals/needs. We cater our treatment plans specifically to you, your body, and your goals/expectations and we promise to meet you at your level. As a general rule, the longer you’ve been injured, the longer it will take to get better, so we suggest to act quickly so we can help you find solutions to your problems more quickly!

Do I have to fill out a bunch of forms?

Unfortunately yes, but we try to make the process of filling out forms as painless and as quick as possible, but having necessary information, and doing our due-diligence on your history and health is crucially important for us to best serve you! We recommend showing up 15 minutes early to your appointment to fill out these forms so we can get right into fixing your problems as soon as your appointment starts!

Do I need a Doctor’s Referral?

If you are using medicare, then YES you MUST come with a script from a doctor in order to receive physical therapy treatment. Otherwise, in the State of California, as a physical therapist we can see you WITHOUT a doctor’s referral for 45 days, or 12 sessions (whichever comes first). After we have reached that mark, we will let you know ahead of time and you may need a doctor’s referral after that. This does sound confusing, yes, but we will guide you through the whole process!

What should I wear?

Comfortable, loose fitting clothes, or exercise clothes. Expect to be doing a bit of moving, and exercising! We also need to be able to see clearly certain body parts, so try not to wear clothes that are too tight, or restrict your movement!

What should I bring?

Simple, just bring yourself, bring as many questions as you want answered, and a positive mindset and a strong will to want to get better!

I’m not feeling any results after a few sessions, is this normal? I don’t want to waste my time if it won’t work.

For more complicated injuries, it may take us time to truly diagnose the “root cause” of your pain. Many times, especially for injuries that are more long-term or “chronic” there are several parts of your body that need to be addressed. We will do our best to explain to you our entire thought process. There are no “tricks or gimmicks” here. If we truly do NOT believe we can help you, we promise not to waste your time, energy, or money, and will help guide you towards a person that is BEST suited to be able to help!

Will I be “sore” after treatments?

Sometimes yes, a level of soreness is to be expected for no more than 48-72 hours after treatment. If we have performed “manual therapy” on an area that has been stiff for ages, then it may feel a bit sore as circulation and healing “rushes” into the area. Or, you may experience a deal of “post-exercise soreness” if we are activating muscle groups that have been “sleeping” for ages. If pain or soreness does last more than 72 hours then call us immediately and we will help you get to the root of the problem.

I’m just not sure if PT is right for me, I think my problem is pretty complex, and I’ve been in pain for a while” “I’d like to try, but my doctor says nothing can be done, is there still hope?

A common question/phrase, probably the MOST common phrase we hear. I recommend downloading our free report titled 13 Reasons Why You should Choose PT, To Protect your Time, Money and Your Long-term Health! – look for the yellow download button further up the page If you don’t find your answer in that report, just schedule a call with us, and we will gladly answer your questions over the phone!

How much will it cost?

It varies significantly, and much of it depends on several factors such as injury severity, your own body type, your goals/needs, and most importantly, your willingness to take an active role in your treatment! We offer many different prices and packages that vary widely from client to client. You can fill out a simple webform to tell us a bit more about your problems/concerns and we will be able to have a better conversation regarding pricing/availability!

The last time I went to PT, I didn’t get any results, they barely spent time with me and it was an overall waste. Why would this be any different?

While we cannot guarantee results, we will guarantee this:

  • An in-depth, full head to toe analysis of your movement to identify weak links, and the root causes of your pain
  • More time spent one-on-one than any other clinic in the area
  • Emphasis on hands-on, manual therapy
  • Individualized exercise programming based on your exact needs and what you can handle
  • Specific action plans that are developed together with your therapist designed to help you keep track of your goals and progress!
  • A promise to fully give everything we’ve got, to exhaust all of our tools and our knowledge to help you, and if we truly feel your problem is something out of our scope, we will help guide you to where you need to go next!

And IF, you still are not happy with the type of care and our hands-on, one-on-one approach, then we will refund your money back, no questions asked!

Your clinic seems to offer both “physical therapy” and “massage therapy”… What is the difference?

Great question!! We do offer both services, as we feel they can be extremely complimentary of one another, but also seek to solve and fix different types of problems. For example…


  • You are Injured, in chronic pain, or have a “medical diagnosis” such as “disc herniation”, “arthritis”, or “rotator cuff tear”
  • You need specific exercise, or joint mobilization, or techniques that may be “outside the scope” of massage
  • Your problems require a very specific, highly detailed biomechanical evaluation, and ongoing plan-of-care that needs to be overseen by a PT
  • You need help with mobility or full body restoration to help you get back to activities or exercise that you have not been able to because of pain or injury


  • Your needs are not “of medical necessity” and are just looking for some real hands-on body work
  • You are looking just for an “escape from life stress” or for “stress management” or if you want to just “relax”
  • You are interested in the amazing, general health benefits of massage and not currently “injured” or in “severe pain”
  • We identified that your problems only require soft tissue work, and does not require a full biomechanical diagnosis and specific care plan
  • You are simply in need of sport or training recovery, and don’t feel like having to spend hours “rolling out your knots” on a roller or lacrosse ball

If you are still unsure which is best for you, we highly recommend you try a 30-minute discovery session with us! When we can hear more about your problems and what you actually need, then we can either:

  • Recommend a full round of physical therapy
  • Decide your problems could be fixed with massage therapy alone
  • You may require a mix/blend of “PT and Massage” for your best outcome!

Will exercises be provided for me?

Of course! But we wont just simply “hand you a sheet of exercises” we will make sure we design a simple, but comprehensive program to help you understand “why” you need to do specific exercises and how they will help you fix your problem directly!

I think I “want to try” but I’m “just not sure yet.” Is there a way to try to see if it will work for me before I commit?

1000% yes!!!! You would be a perfect candidate for our “30 minute discovery session” which is essentially a 30 minute “taster” to meet us in person, see our facility, and ask any questions you may have with regards to your problems.

CLICK HERE to apply for your free discovery session »

If you would like to speak on the phone first, we can arrange a 20 minute call with a PT as well, just so we can learn more about your specific situation so we can best guide you on your path to health!

Click HERE to schedule a 20 minute FREE “Phone Consult” with a PT!

We cannot cover every question out there, so if we STILL haven’t answered YOUR questions, just give us a call at 925-361-7726! Or… if you would rather send in your questions through email, write us at and we will get back to you as soon as possible!

Click Here Arrange Your Free Telephone Consultation »