Looking for a Physical Therapist?

Here's How We Will Help You

If you’ve found our site because you are looking to work with a physical therapist, or have been recommended to try physical therapy, then you have come to the right place!

But before we get started, I have created a free guide, Everything You Need TO know about Physical Therapy, 29 Most Frequently Asked Questions.

This guide is perfect for you if:

  • You are simply looking to learn more about what physical therapy is,
  • Are unsure, or skeptical about what PT can do for you
  • You want to avoid making the 7 critical mistakes most people make while searching for a physical therapist, this guide is for you!

FREE REPORT: “29 Most Common Questions About Physical Therapy Answered:”

Everything You Need to Know About Physical Therapy to Protect Your Mobility and Your Long-Term Health

Yours Free From Specialist Physical Therapist, Kevin Mao

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Why Should You Download This Report?

Because I have found most people who are simply searching for a PT, or have been recommended to try PT may not be completely sure about what physical therapy is, or what it CAN do for you.

And if you are in pain, are injured, and just looking for a way to heal your injury naturally, and get back to living a normal, active lifestyle…

I want to make sure that you have a good understanding of what physical therapy CAN do for you, and the potential benefits it can have…

To not only help you get rid of your pain and injuries, but also make sure your pain and injuries stay away permanently, so you can restore your mobility and enjoy a better quality of life.

Is Physical Therapy Right For Me?

Unlike other services such as chiropractic, massage, or acupuncture, which may provide ‘temporary relief’ of pain and symptoms…

Physical Therapy (when done properly) not only can help you quickly get rid of your pain…

But also make sure that your pain STAYS away, so you can get back to living your active normal lifestyle.

The thing is, the human body is very complex, and its ability to heal, regenerate, and recover naturally is not something that should be underestimated.

But in order for that to happen, it does require time, patience, and a bit of work on your end.

So if you are someone who is:

  • Looking for a quick fix, magic pill, or overnight solution
  • Uninterested in learning, or taking an active role in your recovery
  • Would rather take pills, or even have surgery to avoid you having to move, or exercise

Then you will NOT be a good fit for us…

However, if you ARE someone who is:

  • Willing to take an ACTIVE ROLE in your recovery
  • Health conscious and wants nothing but the best, highest quality of care for your body
  • Wants a NATURAL, PERMANENT solution to your pain or injury that does NOT involve pills or surgery
  • Wants to get back to just living your normal, active lifestyle without having your life constantly dictated by pain
  • Doesn’t want to do anything ‘crazy’ like run marathons, or lift weights, but rather just simply live comfortably and be able to get out of bed and do some chores without being in constant pain
  • Want to be able to play with and pick up your kids and/or grandkids without having to constantly worry about your body giving out

Then, just like the people below, you can expect a truly amazing, transformative outcome…

EVEN IF you’ve been in pain for years, or doctors told you nothing else could be done.

I had a diagnosis of degenerative arthritis and stenosis in the same area…the surgeon wanted to fuse me at 3 levels, but I said no. I had tried physical therapy before and I’d be in so much pain trying to do the exercises I’d want to collapse. But What I had found here is that…my goodness, my energy is different, my breathing is different, my outlook on life I different, I actually look forward to exercising. I’m looking forward to playing with my grandkids, hike with my husband.

Barbara Age 62, Livermore

I had major abdominal surgery about 3 years ago and that’s when it all started. My doctors told me it was sciatica, and that it was common and many people just live with it…They had given me pills I didn’t want to take, but it got to the point where one day I was getting shooting pains down the leg… I was like a baby, I couldn’t do anything…I did physical therapy for 8 weeks and it didn’t do anything for me and by then I felt like a lost case…by now after seeing Kevin at Balance and Body, I’m almost pain-free...He was very personal, and passionate, and I feel like a different person now… And just the simple things like getting in and out of my car, walking around the house and simple yard work no longer gives me problems like it used to.

Linda Age 71, Pleasanton, CA

Diane, from San Ramon

“Kevin's intuition about the body and its function goes beyond technique. Not all physical therapist are the same and not all bodies respond the same. As he is working, he is constantly monitoring and assessing your response, looking for trigger points to alleviate and accomplish the best results. I am so appreciative of the time and talent he expends in a compassionate and careful manner! I am now an avid supporter of physical therapy. I encourage others to not wait. It does not go away and get better on its own!”

What Makes Us Different?

Occasionally I hear of people who are a bit skeptical, or unsure about physical therapy.  People tell us all the time:

  • Friends or family may have tried PT and it didn’t work for them
  • All PT did was give me a bunch of exercises that I could have done by myself at home
  • Or how the therapist barely spent any time with me and I felt like I was getting bounced around like a number, instead of a person

At Balance and Body, I want to assure you that this is NOT the case…

And what makes us different and unique from other therapy clinics you may have either tried, or heard about, is our 5-step process.

Why Do We Have a 5-step Process?

This is to ensure that every single person who steps into our doors receives the absolute best, world-class quality of care to give you the best possible chance of not only getting out of pain, but help you get back to the activities you love.

Step 1: Getting to Know You

When you are in pain, or have been injured, you deserve a chance to have your story heard and be listened to.

It can be difficult to get a doctor to spend more than 15 minutes with you nowadays (and doctors are much more likely to prescribe pills or recommend surgery, instead of taking the time to figure out the true “root” of the issue).

But at Balance and Body, we understand every single person that walks into our clinic is different, and had a unique history, body type, and also set of goals and desires…

Which is why our very first step, before we begin any form of treatment is to get to know you better.

We WILL take the time to listen to you, and your story, and fully try understand what you’re going through, and the frustrations you may have…

And also learn what your goals are, so we can create a highly personalized plan of action that is perfectly tailored to you and your needs.

  • Whether you want to start exercising again either at the gym or in your favorite sport or activity…
  • Or if you just want to go about your normal day and activities without worrying about some sort of pain or injury holding you back
  • Or if you want to enjoy life with your friends, family, kids and grandkids without feeling the constant fear or burden of pain

We will create a plan that is catered around YOU.

And when it comes to making critical medical decisions about YOUR health and YOUR body, we want to make sure that we are a good fit for each other BEFORE we commit to anything.

Or goal is to first have an honest conversation about your health.

Click below to request a free-call back from a PT BEFORE you book an appointment with us.

Click Here to Request Your FREE Telephone Consultation»

Step 2: Finding the “Root Cause” of Your Pain

You can choose to believe it or not, but everything in our body is truly ‘connected’

One of the biggest mistakes so many people make is focusing on the ‘symptom’ of pain, without taking the time to properly evaluate and assess the true “root cause”

And THIS is the single biggest reason why so many people suffer from pain for much longer than they should.

What do I mean by the “root cause”?

The “Root Cause” of an injury can be one, or many parts of the body that may be stiff, weak, or lack the proper control which can cause other parts of your body to “compensate” and cause pain elsewhere.

What may be difficult for people to understand about these “root cause” areas is they may not actually be painful!

Some examples of this might be:

  • "Tight hips" pulling on your lower back causing inflammation and scar tissue to build up
  • A “pinched nerve” in your neck causing “referred pain” down into your shoulder or your arm
  • An old ankle injury that didn't heal properly which could be causing your knee to “compensate” for your injury

And often times it is problems with these "connections" or other non-painful parts of your body that are likely causing more pressure, strain and inflammation to be building up elsewhere.

How do we figure out the root cause of YOUR injury?

In order to figure out what these “root causes” are for you, and your body…

We will take you through a full-body movement analysis.

What’s in a movement analysis?

  • A head to toe movement screen that will measure all of your body’s movements
  • Deep analysis of the “weak links” in your chain, that might explain WHY another part of your body may be “compensating”
  • Identify areas of stiffness or tension within your body that may be causing tension in another area of your body

This is to ensure every single possible connection within your body is properly assessed, in order to give you the best possible shot at not only relieving your pain, but to give you a proper understanding of WHY the pain is happening in the first place.

And the best part is, we offer this movement assessment for FREE as part of your initial “Discovery Visit” with us!

Click Here to Inquire About Our Discovery Visit »

Step 3: FIX the ROOT CAUSES Through “Manual Therapy”

In step two, we identify the “root causes” of your pain through our full-body movement analysis. This allows us to focus on the KEY areas of YOUR body that we believe to be causing your pain or injury.

In step 3, our goal is to then reduce, and eliminate your pain with movement BEFORE you start to move or exercise.

Sadly, I hear of too many people suffering from pain for much longer than they should because they are told to “stretch” or “exercise” to get rid of the pain.

But that similar to having a broken car that will just fix itself by “driving it around a little”…

Which is why step 3, it is critical to first ELIMINATE your pain with movement, and “fix” the parts of your body that may not be working properly.

How do we do this?

Through something we call “Manual Therapy”

What is Manual Therapy?

At Balance and Body, our therapists are like “body mechanics” where we either use our hands, or our tools to help loosen, or unlock joints, muscles, or other areas of your body that are stiff, achy or cranky.

You see, when chronic stiffness, or injuries occur, your body will develop problems such as:

  • Scar tissue and inflammation
  • Joint stiffness from poor posture
  • Lack of muscle flexibility which restricts “proper movement”

These types of problems make it very difficult for your body the way it was intended, and end up causing problems in other parts of your body.

But through our manual therapy techniques, we are able to quickly locate, and “loosen” or “fix” these parts of the body so it can start to move the way it was intended.

Some of these techniques include:

  • Trigger point release
  • Soft tissue massage
  • Myofascial release
  • Myofascial decompression (also known as cupping)
  • Instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization (also known as IASTM)
  • Deep tissue massage
  • Manual stretching
  • Joint manipulation
  • Joint mobilizations

Will these techniques hurt?

A common question that gets asked is whether these types of treatments “hurt” or will cause “more pain” or will make your “bones crack”.

I want to assure you that is NOT the case here.

While these techniques may sometimes cause a small bit of pain, and a bit of soreness, it usually comes in that form of “good pain” in that you know something positive is happening inside your body.

But I also want you to know that YOU will be in control of what happens to your body.

Before we perform ANY treatment, we will take the time to thoroughly explain every single technique or treatment to you, and how you will benefit from it, to make sure you understand and feel comfortable with our methods.

Our manual therapy techniques separate us from other clinics that may be more “exercise” based, because it will help you restore mobility, and get rid of pain QUICKLY without having to do a ton of stretching or exercise.

Click Here to Inquire About Cost and Availability »

Step 4: Restore Your Mind-Body Connection Through Personalized Exercise and Mobility Programs

Many people aged 45+ who struggle with pain or injury may be told:

“just start exercising”

“You need to strengthen your muscles”

“do some more walking and some light stretches”

However, if you are in pain, or have been injured, exercise is not something that should be taken for granted.

Yes, exercise IS an important aspect of healing from injury, but we often see, and hear of people that do the “wrong exercise” or don’t understand how to exercise with “proper form” which often leads to more pain and injury down the line.

Which is why at balance and body our ‘exercise’ programs are specifically catered to your needs.

Our Doctors of Physical Therapy bring advanced knowledge of biomechanics, exercise physiology, kinesiology and neuroscience into designing your program.

What does that mean for you?

  • 1. Teaching you movements that are relevant to YOUR needs (such as if you want to get back to the gym without pain, or if you just simply want to be able to live your normal life and do house chores without issues)
  • 2. Create a SAFE environment where you CANNOT GET HURT. (Your exercise program will be carefully monitored by a DOCTOR of Physical Therapy and you will receive highly focused, attentive care to ensure your form is perfect)
  • 3. Help you to overcome fears with exercise of movement so you can get back to living normally. (We won’t be “yelling in your ear” or simply “counting repetitions” when you exercise. We will make sure that first, your body is ready to exercise, and secondly, that it is the RIGHT exercise for you…)

The goal of exercising is not only to make you “stronger” but so you can feel confident, and comfortable with your movement again.

Click Here to Inquire About Cost and Availability »

Step 5: Restore Your Quality of Life

After performing our evaluation, getting rid of your pain with movement, and helping you restore your mobility through exercise, we also want to make sure we have helped you achieve the goals you wanted in the first place!

So the last step is to make sure you have received the transformation you’ve been looking for.

The body, mind, and human spirit is not something that should be underestimated. There is potential for improvement at every step of the way, despite even in the worst of conditions.

We have been witness to people who have avoided back surgeries, even when doctors have said nothing else can be done…

We have seen people diagnosed with severe arthritis of their knees be able to hike Maccu Piccu WITHOUT needing a knee replacement

We have seen grandmothers go back to playing with their grandkids at the park without ANY worry of their body going out, even though months before they were bed-bound, or in tears just trying to stand up straight.

We promise that there will be NO quick fix, magic pill, or silver bullet to complex problems.

But what we DO promise is to use every single tool, resource and ounce of knowledge that we possess, in order to make improvements in how you move, how you feel, so that you can achieve the outcome you are looking for.

We are NOT a clinic that uses a few machines, or gives out sheets of exercises.

We ARE a clinic that specializes in doing everything and anything possible within our scope of practice to help people make significant transformations within their confidence, mobility, and quality of life…Without needing to take pills or have unnecessary surgery…even if all other conservative options have failed.

If you would like to learn more about what it is that we can do for you, BEFORE you commit to working with us, I highly recommend our free, 30-minute discovery session:

A discovery visit is a free, 30 minute consultation with us, where we will first get to know each other and make sure that we’re a good fit for each other BEFORE we start.

Please keep in mind we are very selective in who we choose to work with, because we only choose to work with people who we believe we CAN help and truly make a difference in their life.

Due to high demand and popularity, availability for these sessions is limited, so if your need is urgent, and you would like to have your problem solved sooner:

Click Here to Apply for Your Own Discovery Session »


Doctor Kevin Mao

Physical Therapist

Owner/CEO Balance and Body Restoration


See who else has had their life changed in choosing to work with us!

Life was pretty miserable, I couldn’t sit down at work or even to watch a movie, I couldn’t do school projects with my young kids, and I just felt like pain was limiting everything in my life… But you have treatments that work. You have an approach that alleviated LOADS of tension in my own body in places that I didn’t even know existed! And also making me far more aware of my own actual movement so that I’m able to learn to do things in a safe way. I feel like I have this second chance, and I’m not going to let it go to waste, and now having all the knowledge, to properly take care of my body, and actually exercise with good form, I’m actually excited about exercising now, whereas before, I wasn’t

Dean Age 38, Livermore

I had tried going to another physical therapist, I went there for 5 months, and their way of physical therapy didn’t help with the swelling or anything whatsoever… But by seeing you, it has made a WORLD of difference but it not only helped the area around my surgery, but it helped so many other areas of my stroke. Just the mobility I got back from that alone has made a WORLD of difference… amazing!

Judi Age 53, Livermore

Kevin and Thuy are miracle workers who care more about their patients than anyone we have ever worked with.  My wife is in her mid seventies and severed her Achilles tendon twice in a 5 week period and was in constant pain and swelling around the ankle area.  The doctors told us she would just have to live with those discomforts and nothing could be done about it.  Then Kevin was referred to us through a physical trainer and we noticed a great difference after even the first visit.   Kevin and Thuy worked together and they have made a great difference in my wife's recovery and future life style.  Then Kevin started working with me for preventative maintenance as I aged and worked out some problems I had in my neck and shoulders that I had just gotten used to and accepted as part of aging.  Kevin is now working those problems areas out for me and I can feel my body getting more and more pain free.  They are both very good people who care about their patients

Howard and Diane Age 77, Discovery bay

Due to a variety of medical reasons and sitting at a desk for several years, I struggled to walk normally and to stand for more than a few minutes at a time. My right knee was permanently in a bent and bowed position. After two sessions with Kevin, my knee was significantly straighter, improving my gait. I could tell something wonderful was happening when I spent at least a half hour visiting with a friend while standing. In fact, I didn't recognize what a miracle that was until after I walked away from the conversation! Talk about an improvement in my quality of life! It's not a miracle one-time cure, but I improve significantly with each session. Prior to working with Kevin I had tried traditional physical therapy, chiropractic care, knee surgery, and acupuncture among other things. This therapy has made the most improvement.

Cindy Age 61, Livermore

Kevin not only helped restore my body, he helped restore my life. Even when I was hesitant and even resistant, he assured me that he could help. Trusting him and his professionalism was one of the best decisions I've made. If I had followed the instructions of my primary health doctor, my recovery process would have taken so much longer, if at all. He listened and treated me as a whole person and not just my back injury. With his guidance, knowledge and years of experience I now know that I can sustain a life of balance and free from pain.

Anna Age 37, San Ramon