Want to Work With Us?
Watch The Video Below To Learn More About our “Balanced Body Healing System”
A Comprehensive System of Healing Designed To Help Health Conscious People Aged 50+, Heal From Chronic Pain And Injury Naturally, And Get Back To Living Their “Normal,” Active Lifestyle
Dear Reader,
If you, or someone you know is struggling with chronic pain or injury and looking for help in order to:
Then you’ve come to the right place...

My name is Dr. Kevin Mao, and together with my wife Thuy Lu, we own and operate Balance and Body Restoration Physical Therapy and Massage, which is a clinic located right here, in Dublin, California.
And today, I’d like to tell you more about our “Balanced Body Healing System” which is a process of healing that we have developed based off the lessons we have learned over the past 14 years in working with people struggling with chronic pain and injury.
Now, we created the Balanced Body Healing System for several reasons.
First off, we understand nowadays, how difficult it is to know if you are making proper decisions about your health.
Which can all potentially make your problem worse because most of these treatments rarely solve the underlying problem
Or, when people start to look outside the traditional medical system, it can just feel completely overwhelming…
And…the fact that there are just so many different options makes it almost impossible to know if what is safe, or what your body truly needs to get out of pain.
Despite all of this, over the past 14 years in helping thousands of people heal from chronic pain and injuries, The biggest lesson we’ve learned, no matter what anyone tells you, is that the human body has an amazing ability and capacity to heal.
But in order to unlock this ability, you cannot just rely on quick fixes or continue to mask the pain with a bunch of pills.
Instead, what you need to understand is that TRUE healing is a PROCESS.
And our Balanced Body Healing System is exactly that, which is a process that is designed to help put your body in the best possible position in order to heal, and also help you get back to living a more active lifestyle…
By looking at the BIG picture, in terms of:
Now, to give you a better idea of exactly what our process is all about, we have created some videos below which will provide detailed descriptions of our 5-Step Balanced Body Healing System.
Getting to Know You First
The first step of our Balanced Body Healing System is just taking some time to get to know you first.
While this might sound overly simple, I find that one the biggest reasons why so many people struggle with chronic pain is the fact that most doctors nowadays, only spend time treating symptoms, and not the person.
And as a result, most people will often get the same treatment plan and the same advice for, regardless of their situation.
But the truth is, everyone is different. And we understand that people come in at different ages, or at different stages in their life.
People have had different injuries, or different wears and tears on their body.
And in order to figure out what YOU need to get better, we just need to start by having a simple, honest conversation about your health:
Because we understand that not everyone wants to run marathons or lift heavy weights. And for many of our patients, just being able to do house chores, take long walks, or just getting back to living their normal life, is more than enough for our patients.
Which is why we will tailor our treatment plans to YOUR goals and needs, but at the same time, we want to make sure that you are a good fit for us, and that we are a good fit for you as well!
It all starts with having a simple conversation about your health.
And if this interests you then, click the link below to apply for a free in-person consultation, and we’ll guide you on the next steps from there:
Finding (and Fixing) the ROOT Causes of Your Pain
The main reason why I believe so many people struggle with chronic pain is not because of a lack of effort, or a lack of trying to get better…
But rather it is due to the fact that most people make the same mistake of focusing all of their effort and energy on treating the symptoms of their pain...
Instead of fixing the real, underlying root causes of their pain.
Which is why the second step of our Balanced Body Healing System is to help you figure what the REAL ROOT causes of your pain actually are…
So, what exactly do I mean by underlying root causes of pain?
Now, the easiest way i try to explain this concept of root causes of pain vs symptoms
Is that the root cause of the pain refers to something that is causing let’s say, for example, your lower back to hurt…
but that the actual SOURCE of that pain isn’t coming from the back itself…
Examples of this might include:
And the reality is, the best way, that we have found to heal from chronic pain is to correctly identify what these problems are, and then "match" the right treatments to fix the underlying issues.
Because the truth is, everything within the body is truly “interconnected”
And in order to figure out what is actually causing your pain, we need to be able to see the body as a whole, and focus on fixing what NEEDS fixing, instead of only doing things that may feel good temporarily.
So, how are we able to figure out the root cause? What is the process?
Well, here at our clinic, all it takes to figure out what is causing your pain starts with just a very simple movement assessment…
All we need to do is just have you perform a couple of very simple movements, such as bending forward, bending backwards, or doing a few movements with your arms and legs.
Because all we need to figure out what is going on is to just take a glimpse of how well your body is moving from head to toe…
So we can see which movements cause pain, which feel tight or stiff, or maybe we might notice your body “compensating” around your pain in ways you may not be aware.
There’s no magic x-ray machine, or a bunch of “fancy” equipment,
It’s just a very simple movement screen, and because of our experience, once we can watch you do a couple of very basic movements, we’ll be able to figure out the rest from there…
So, if you want to know more about what we could potentially do for you, and to help you get to the ROOT of our pain…
Just click on the button below, which will take you to our application from, and we’ll guide you from there on the next steps to take…
Restore Your Mobility - A "Hands-on-Healing" Approach
Step 3 of our Balanced Body Healing System is all about restoring your mobility.
So what exactly do I mean by “mobility” and how do we restore it?
Mobility refers to, quite simply, the ability for your body to be able to move.
However, most people who struggle with chronic pain also struggle with mobility problems as well.
While this might seem obvious, i find that most people are under the false assumption that they can’t restore or fix their movement, because:
But nothing further could be from the truth.
In fact, it is quite easy to restore long lost mobility, even if you’re someone who has been in pain, or who has been very stiff for years!
Well it starts with our unique “Hands-on Healing” approach to therapy known as “Manual Therapy”.
So, what is “manual therapy?”
So, manual therapy is a specialized type of physical therapy where the therapist uses their hands as tools to not only help relieve pain through movement but also to restore and enhance overall mobility in ways that stretching or exercise alone cannot.
For example, common problems that might fall into this category include:
But through the use of our “manual therapy” treatments...
We can actually fix, or at least improve a lot of these problems, and in most cases, you can expect to see results almost immediately!
Think of it like an expert "body mechanic" that can go in,
and unlock, unwind and loosen up all these nagging issues that you may have…
That just might be impossible for you to access on your own.
Some of our manual therapy techinques, along with the problems they correct might include:
And many more as well.
Again, the goal of all of our manual treatment is to quite simply:
Which in turn, can help you get back to doing more things physically with your body that might include:
Frequently Asked Questions About Our “Manual Therapy” Treatment:
How is this different from massage?
While we have nothing against massage therapy, we are big believers in it, and even offer it here in our clinic. Massage therapy is really good for stress relief, relaxation, or just a general full body work-up.
But if you have a very specific pain, or injury that might be more complex than just stress, or muscle tightness…
Manual therapy is sort of like a “Medical Massage” where our clinicians are able to use specific techniques for specific problems like a “stuck joint”, or a referred pain trigger point that massage alone may not be able to address.
Is it like chiropractic?
No, our treatments are not like “chiropractic” in the sense that we will be trying to snap, or crack, or pop your “bones” into alignment…
Our treatments are way slower, and gentler…
And in most cases our treatments are likely to be more effective for long-term relief since we are treating the root cause of the pain, instead of only doing “adjustments” that might only hold for a couple of days.
Are these treatments safe? Do they hurt?
ALL of our clinicians that perform this style of treatment are doctorate level therapists with YEARS of high-level experience and training
Now, with that said, sometimes these treatments might cause you to feel sore, but more in the type of “good pain” that your body knows deep down although it might hurt at the time, it will benefit you in the long term.
And most importantly, YOU will be the one in control. We will never push you past your limit, or your own comfort zone.
And we want to make sure that we maximize your comfort level with us.
But also so that we can do what is needed to help you start feeling better as soon as possible.
So, if you want to know more and see if our manual therapy treatment is right for you,
feel free to click on the link below to our application form, tell us more about your condition, and then we’ll reach back out so we can have a conversation about what’s going on, and go over ways in which we may be able to help!
Restore Your Strength
Step 4 of our Balanced Body Healing System is all about helping you restore your strength.
Because strength sits at the foundation of ALL physical activity.
Whether it may be just doing normal, everyday activities, like lifting and carrying your groceries, doing house chores, or getting on and off the ground…
Having enough strength in your body is what allows your body to perform these activities.
Now, with that said, we are very much aware of a lot of the fears, or hesitancy that people have about doing "strength exercise", especially for those who have been in pain, or those who haven’t exercised in a long time!
Which is why, here at balance and Body Restoration, we place a STRONG emphasis on 3 Core Principles that serve as the foundation for our Restorative Strengthening Program
1. Safety first
Our first, and most important principle that we stand by, when we are working with our patients is safety first.
All of our exercise programs are designed by EXPERT, Doctorate level physical therapists with YEARS of training in working with patients with chronic pain.
This means that all of the exercises that we may have you do are based on the BEST practices and cutting edge scientific research to ensure that our programs are both safe, AND effective.
The clinicians you will be working with have ELITE medical training, and are trained in the BEST practices and cutting edge scientific research to ensure that our programs are both safe, AND effective.
Which ultimately means that we will help you learn to build strength in a way where we will NOT put you in harm’s way, and risk any sort of increased pain or injury…
Secondly, our goal is to meet you at YOUR level…
We get that if you are someone who is in a lot of pain, or if you haven’t exercised in a long time, it can be very intimidating to jump right into doing a bunch of exercises.
Which is why we will make sure that we will work with you to develop a program that will be based around YOU and YOUR situation.
2. Simplicity
The second core principle that serves at the foundation for our restorative strengthening program is that we just want to keep things as SIMPLE as possible…
Sometimes we hear from our patients who deep down KNOW they need to be doing some form of exercise, but they hesitate to jump right in because they get lost in the complexity of exercise.
But it doesn’t need to be this way.
Which is why our programs focus on teaching you exercises that are very simple and easy to do…
Most of our exercises will require little to no equipment at all, and we usually start all of our programs at a “beginner level”.
But most importantly, our goal is to make sure that you are doing the RIGHT exercises for what YOUR body needs, in order to get better.
3. Effective
So the third principle of our restorative strengthening program is how shockingly effective our programs are in terms of helping you get stronger, very quickly!
Yes, of course, while we do emphasize safety, and prioritize keeping things simple, but make no mistake…
The strength programs that we develop for our clients are by no means easy…!
In fact, most of our patients are actually quite surprised by how challenging, and difficult our exercises are, despite how simple they may appear to be at first glance…
But not difficult in a way that will leave you sore, or achy, or feeling like your body is all “beat-up” after a workout…
But difficult in a way that it causes you to really have to concentrate on doing things that you may not be familiar with, such as:
You see, how we use exercise is less about trying to build “bulky muscles”, but rather our focus is to focus our strength training on helping you re-establish stronger connections between your mind and your body.
And by focusing our efforts on helping you restore these mind-body connections, with our “neuromuscular strength training” approach…
Not only is this approach way safer, and causes you to feel way less sore after exercising.
But it is also way more effective at helping you feel better about your body, more connected, and just much more aware of what is going on within your body
So, if you want to know more about to see if this type of strength program is right for you, and if you want to see how it could possibly benefit you, and your situation,
then click the link below to our application form, and we’ll guide you on the next steps from there…
Restore your Quality of LIfe (Forever Strong)
The 5th, and the last part of our Balanced Body Healing System involves the complete change, and potential transformation in the quality of life that might be possible for you…
And what i mean is by this is that for some of our clients, once we have been able to help them heal, and recover, and once they get back to normal, then everyone is happy, and we might not need to do much more…
But there are other people we work with, once we were able to help them overcome that initial pain, and they are starting to feel better again…
They really start to like the way that they feel…
They they feel more mobile, they can notice that they’re getting stronger, they also feel way more confident within their body in the sense that they just aren’t as worried about their body giving out like it used to…
And they start to wonder to themselves…
Which is why, for some of our clients who DO want to achieve a “next level” of health, we have created this last phase of our process which is our:
“Forever Strong Program”
And within our “Forever Strong” our focus is solely on helping our clients…
Continue to build and make progress toward improving their overall quality of life
Through a progressive training program that focuses on helping you achieve greater strength, mobility, and balance.
And I just want to take a minute to highlight some of the people who have gone through this program, just so you have an idea of what we're talking about.

Age 60
Back Pain For 15 Years
“I was diagnosed with degenerative discs and stenosis in my lower back. The pain had gotten so bad I’d be in tears just trying to stand in the kitchen and cook a meal. The doctors told me they’d need to do a lumbar fusion to fuse my discs and then flip me over and then fix my stenosis…but no, no, no, I wasn’t going to let them do that.”

Mid 30's
Slipped Disk
“I had a badly slipped disc, and I was on the verge of going onto an operating table. I couldn’t sit to play with my kids, I was in constant pain. But they have methods that actually work here. With the things they do, I could just feel ALL of the mobility starting to come back, and made me aware of places I felt pain that I didn’t even know existed”

Mrs P
Age 70
Chronic Back and Shoulder Pain
“From 69 Years old with chronic back and shoulder pain to 70 years old, PAIN-FREE and as STRONG as ever!”

Age 40
Severe Herniated Disc
How we helped Blake heal from a severe "herniated" disc without surgery!

Early 60's
Sciatic Nerve Pain
Years of Severe "Sciatic Nerve Pain" To PAIN-FREE in 3 months!
And my goal with sharing all of these stories is just to let you know what is possible.
However, we do realize our Forever Strong Program definitely isn’t for everyone,
Because in this program we are not focusing on any quick fixes, or under any illusion that true changes in your body can occur within just a week or two…
But if you are someone who doesn’t just want to go back to feeling how you used to…
Instead, if you would rather be able to TRULY ENJOY life and be able to move and live FREELY despite your age, or your injury…
But ALSO understand that:
Then you would absolutely be a great fit for our Forever Strong Program as well…
You know, I know there are no guarantees, everyone is quite different, and not everyone is going to get the same results and outcomes…
But we’ve just been so fortunate to see with our own two eyes, for so many years what is possible for some people
And that we just know for a FACT that it is absoltuely possible to get over chronic pain and get back to living quality of life that you want…
And that if any of this resonates with you, and if you want to know more about what we could potentially do to help you and your situation…
Just click on the link below, fill out the application form, and just tell us a little more about what is going on, and from there we will reach out to you and we will take it from there…