Root Causes of Back Pain
A Complete Guide To Healing Chronic Lower Back Pain With Stretching And Exercise By Focusing on Fixing the ROOT Causes
Dear reader,
If you, or someone you know is suffering from chronic back pain, and if you are:
If so, and if you are looking for a comprehensive guide for stretching and exercise for lower back pain that will help you relieve pain, tightness and tension, help you feel more mobile, and stronger.
Then you’ve come to the right place!
"My name is Dr. Kevin Mao...

...I am a physical therapist, and over the past 14 years I’ve had the chance to work with thousands of people who struggle with this type of back pain.
And most importantly, we have been able to help our patients heal, and recover, without relying upon pills, injections or surgery."
And our goal with this video series is to share with you strategies and insights around HOW we use stretches and exercises to help our clients find relief from chronic back pain.
Now, the main reason why we have created this video series is because learning to stretch and exercise correctly is one of THE most important things you should be doing if you are looking to heal from chronic lower back pain naturally…
But what I have found throughout the years, in working with patients is that there are some people who try to stretch and exercise, but do NOT find the relief that they are looking for is because of main reason.
They make the very honest mistake of only focusing on doing exercises that treat the SYMPTOMS of their pain, instead of treating the real underlying ROOT causes of their pain.
So What EXACTLY Do I Mean By Treating Symptoms Vs Root Causes?
You see, most people when they start to experience back pain for the first time, usually focus on performing treatments on the area of the body that is in pain.
This might include:
And while for some people these strategies might work, especially if it is for minor pain, or for a short-term injury…
The problem is, rarely do these strategies work for people who have been struggling with CHRONIC back pain, (meaning They've been struggling with pain for months, or even years.)
And in some cases, these types of exercises can actually make the pain, and problem worse because it is actually creating MORE stress on top of the part of the body that is already under too much stress.
Because the truth is, it is a fact that everything in the body is inter-connected. And what we have found through the years, the reason why so many people struggle with chronic back pain is NOT because there is something wrong with the lower back itself.
Instead, the reason why the lower back might be hurting is because oftentimes it is over-working, to overcompensate for OTHER parts of the body that are not doing their job correctly.
And what we have found is the most effective way of treating lower back pain focuses on identifying which of the "other parts" of the body are not doing their job correctly, and then restore the proper function of these outer parts.
And this will help the lower back heal by REMOVING excessive stress and strain OFF the lower back, while also restoring the proper function of your body as a WHOLE.
So, what you will find below are 5 different Video Modules that we have created that are based around 5 of the most common underlying ROOT causes of chronic lower back pain that we see here at our clinic.
In each module we’ll share with you:
So that you can learn to heal back pain naturally, and get back to doing the things that you love.
While these are 5 of the most common problems that we see here in the clinic, these are not the only causes of back pain that exist.
And due to the complex nature of back pain, please understand this course is for educational purposes only, and is not to be used as a replacement for medical advice.
And while these exercises are taught with an emphasis on safey, and doing things correctly, if attempting any of these exercises on your own, you are doing so at your own risk.
Please check with your doctor to be sure that you are in fact, medically cleared to exercise before starting this program.
And if you do experience any pain while doing these exercises, or if you just aren’t sure if they are right for you, then do not proceed, and consider consulting with someone, like a physical therapist who can help guide you through a plan of care that is right for you.
Now, with that said, Check out the 5 modules below:
Tight Quadriceps
Module 1 focuses on helping you address “tight quadriceps” muscles. Tight “quad” muscles are likely the most overlooked cause of chronic back pain because most people associate “quad muscles” with “knee” function”. However, these muscles can play a HUGE role in terms of causing back pain in ways most people HUGELY underestimate.
In module 1, we will teach you the best ways to release and stretch tight quad muscles which can take a TREMENDOUS amount of pressure OFF your lower back very quickly!
Upper Back Stiffness and Weakness
Module 2 focuses on helping you address “upper back” tightness and weakness. With today’s day and age and how people spend so much time sitting, working over a computer, or staring down at their phones, more people are suffering from “hunch-back” posture more than ever.
However, what most people dont realize is that this “hunch-back” posture is one of the MAIN causes of chronic lower back pain, but the good news is, it can actually be fixed!
In module 2, we will help you reverse the effects that poor posture has on your lower back, by teaching you how to stretch and strengthen your upper back, which in turn, will help relieve the pain and pressure OFF your lower back.
Hip Imbalances
Module 3 focuses on helping you address common “hip imbalances.” It’s no secret that sitting for long periods of time is not only unhealthy for your back, but it also creates significant problems in your hips as well.
However, most people who struggle with chronic back pain do not realize how much of a role tightness and weakness of your hip muscles can be the main source of back pain.
In module 3, we will share with you our favorite ways to reverse these imbalances in your hip muscles, so you can start to stand taller for WAY longer with WAY LESS back pain as well.
Core Muscle Weakness
Module 4 focuses on helping you address weakness of your “core muscles.” While most people who struggle with back pain are “aware” that they should be doing some form of “core muscle” strengthening, often times people just aren’t sure how to do it properly, or in some cases do the “wrong exercises” that makes their back hurt worse!
In module 4, we will teach you some of our favorite ways to strengthen the “core”. But do so in a way that focuses on showing you the RIGHT exercises, done with correct form, and proper technique.
And as a result, not only will your “core muscles” feel WAY stronger, but it will also help you relieve chronic back pain and tightness as well!
Loss of the “Lumbar Flexion Curve”
Module 5 focuses on helping you reverse the effects of “chronic back muscle tightness.” What most people fail to realize is that when your back muscles have been tight for a long period of time, you will start to lose the ability for your lower back to “move properly.”
This shows up through a VERY common, but little known problem known as the “loss of the lumbar flexion curve.”
In module 5, we will teach you what the “lumbar flexion” curve is, why it is so important, and most importantly, how to go about fixing your “lumbar flexion curve” so that you can restore the proper function of your spine.